If you’re an employer or an employee, you may be wondering if you need group dental and Vision insurance. Dental and Vision insurance can play a pivotal role in maintaining not only oral and visual health but also financial stability.

Group Dental insurance is a type of insurance that covers dental care for a group of people, usually employees of a company. Vision insurance, on the other hand, covers eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses for a group of people.

Is Dental Insurance Important?

Dental care can be expensive, especially if you need more complex procedures like root canals or crowns. However, dental insurance can help manage these costs by covering some or all of the expenses for certain procedures. This makes it easier to afford the necessary care, from routine cleanings and fillings to more complex treatments.

Dental issues can impact many aspects of life, such as causing pain and discomfort, affecting self-esteem, and even social interactions. Having dental insurance can greatly improve access to care and help maintain overall oral health.

There are different dental insurance plans, such as dental health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and indemnity plans. Each plan has its network rules, coverage details, and cost-sharing arrangements. Understanding the specifics of each plan is essential to making an informed decision and choosing the one that best fits your needs.

Is Vision Insurance Important?

Group vision insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for eye care and vision-related services to groups of individuals, typically through their employer. These plans can cover a range of services, such as routine eye exams, glasses, contact lenses, and treatment for eye diseases and injuries.

Many employees skip receiving the care they need for their Vision due to the high health costs. Without vision insurance, it becomes even less likely to take care of our Vision. Like dental insurance, vision insurance is a small price to pay for a healthier and happier life.

There are two main types of vision insurance plans that you can buy for your group:

– Optional rider vision insurance 

– Ancillary vision plan

As an Employer, am I required to offer Dental and Vision insurance to my employees?

According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), small businesses are generally not obligated to provide Dental and Vision insurance to their employees. However, even though it’s not mandatory, there are plenty of good reasons to consider offering Dental and Vision insurance as part of your benefits package.

How much does group dental and vision insurance cost employers?

Employers can expect to pay between $8.94 to $13.90 per month for group dental insurance plans and between $2 to $5 per month for group vision insurance plans.

What are the Benefits of group dental and Vision insurance?

For employers

  • Offering group dental and vision insurance can be valuable for attracting and retaining employees. 
  • It can also help to improve employee morale and satisfaction, as it shows that the employer cares about their employees’ health and well-being. 
  • Additionally, group dental and vision insurance can be a cost-effective option for employees, as they can receive coverage at a lower cost than if they purchase individual insurance.

For employees 

  • Group dental and vision insurance can be a crucial benefit. Dental and Vision care can be expensive, and having insurance can help alleviate some of those costs. 
  • It can also help employees stay on top of their health and prevent more serious issues from arising. For example, regular dental check-ups can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, leading to more significant health problems if left untreated.


Group Dental and Vision insurance can be a vital aspect of maintaining both oral and visual health and financial stability. Dental and Vision care can be expensive, and having insurance can help alleviate some of those costs. If you’re an employer, offering group dental and vision insurance can be valuable for attracting and retaining employees, improving employee morale and satisfaction, and demonstrating that you care about your employees’ health and well-being. Ultimately, investing in group dental and vision insurance can lead to healthier and happier employees, which can lead to a more productive and successful business.

Need Help with Dental and Vision Insurance ?

Skyline Benefit is an independent health insurance broker in Fullerton, CA that offers affordable and flexible dental and vision insurance options. Selecting the best dental insurance plans can be overwhelming; our mission is to simplify the process and help our clients every step of the way.

Schedule a consultation today. Call us at: (714) 888-5112

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