Have you recently turned 65 and eligible for Medicare?  If yes, there are multiple healthcare decisions you may have to consider before the progression. First, it’s essential to understand which one you want to select!  Do you want to keep your original Medicare Part A & B or choose Medicare Part C instead?  Today in this article, we’ll discuss all the relevant facts related to working with an independent Medicare broker.

Independent Medicare Broker

Navigating through multiple Medicare plans and getting to know their advantages might get overwhelming. You may seek recommendations from family members or friends, but there are chances of little to no help.  Therefore, opting for guidance from the experts is necessary. Their years of training and experience make them eligible to deal with any issues. Therefore, if you need personal supervision, and suggestions, select an insurance agent.

Who Are Medicare Insurance Agents?

Insurance agents are the licensed experts that help you assist and enroll in a health plan.
There are two types of insurance agencies:

  • Independent Medicare Agency

Are you looking for an independent agency? Well, insurance agents sell insurance policies that offer multiple carriers than just one single insurance service provider. Here the independent agents play the role of a middleman that connects insurance buyers and sellers to facilitate the transaction.

Here the independent agents get commissions for the policies in hand and sell everything to their employees and reputed insurance companies.

  • Captive Medicare Agency

Captive agents sell policies from a particular insurance company.

Advantages of Independent Medicare Agents

There are multiple benefits of an independent Medicare agency!  But, one of the significant advantages of working with them includes receiving fast and quick quotes from various insurance carriers. If a person wants to shop for insurance, looking for independent agents can be the best choice.

Moreover, it’s a time-saving option depending on the prospective policyholder and the other one that offers information at one time.

How Does An Agent Help With Medicare Choices?

The Medicare insurance broker can assist you narrow down your search and options and ultimately choose the best one. They’ll help you accumulate the plan you select.

Before hiring a Medicare insurance agency, it’s crucial to check all the aspects relevant to it. You can seek our help to understand this in detail.

Looking for an independent Medicare broker near you?

Skyline Benefit is an independent Medicare broker with the experience and expertise in Medicare options.

Your relationship with Skyline Benefit does not end at the enrollment or sale.  Instead, we will be an advocate for you in many years to come, helping you address concerns with your Medicare plan.

We can help you review your healthcare coverage needs annually so that, as time goes by, you will continue to have the best Medicare option.

If you have any Medicare questions, call us at (714) 888-5112 or you can also book a virtual appointment.

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